The cranky old Math teacher loomed over Alex as he gazed blankly at the window, and the freedom that lay beyond.
“Alex!” he called - his voice cold and sharp - to no avail.
As Alex stared at the blue skies, he noticed that he could not see any animals, no birds, no squirrels, and no little critters scurrying about, nothing. It was as if they had been scared away by some great beast, or so he imagined.
The old man slammed his hand onto the desk, quickly Alex’s head snapped to him, instantly alert.
“Welcome back,” he said mockingly “Maybe you can explain to us, if the coefficient of determination for this scatterplot is 0.8081, then how would you interpret that in terms of the variables rainfall and percentage of clear days?
Alex examined the scatterplot, an array of dots with a single line running through them, placed on top of a graph.
“Eighty point, eight, one percent of variation in rainfall is due to the variation in percentage of clear days,” He said casually, it was a rather simple question “am I correct, Mr. Wells?”
The cranky man scowled and turned to Alex, suddenly leaning in close and whispering, “You got lucky this time Barticel, but I will catch you eventually, even if you are among the brightest I have in my group” he said that last part with the slightest hint exasperation.
Mr. Wells raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as he continued on with the lesson, and Alex continued his imaginings of a large, furry, tusked creature, prowling about the yard, he could almost see it in his mind, devouring small birds with relish.
After a time, and many a scolding from Mr.Wells, the lesson came to a climactic close when the principal walked in and asked Alex into her office. They walked through the hallways, silent, as ever-watchful eyes peered through doorways, wondering and whispering about what Alex might have done. He was bewildered by the event, he had never been called into the principal’s office before, and he had never even received a detention in his four years at high-school, despite Mr. Wells’ apparent loathing of him.
They continued through the hallways sullenly for what seemed like a decade, everything seemed to move in slow motion, as Alex noticed small flickers of motion and an incessant tapping noise. But whenever he turned my focus towards these subtle imperfections, they seemed to fade and blend naturally, appearing as if they would normally.
We approached the head office; Alex’s head hung low to hide his rage, pondering all of the slight atrocities that he may be accused of, there were two things that Alex hated more than anything in this world, firstly was injustice, pain, or any other bad feeling being placed upon those he cared about, and the second was being accused or punished for something he did not do or had no knowledge of doing.
The principal came to an abrupt halt at a tall set of double doors, which were conveniently placed at the end of the hall, surrounded on either side by ornamental pot plants. What had given her the inclination to place those there escaped Alex, as they were the ugliest looking plants he had ever laid eyes upon.
With a slight cough, the principal gestures Alex to enter, her bony fingers curling in an unsettling way. Alex stepped forward, cautiously entering the room and taking the seat that faced the desk. The Principal took the opposing seat, and was silent for a moment, as if she was beckoning him to start talking, and that he did.
“Mrs. Servillius, I don’t quite understand why I have been called to the office, I don’t believe I’ve committed any atrocities,” Alex said with as much courtesy as he could muster “so may I please receive some light on the situation?”
“Mr. Barticel, it pains me to have to be the bearer of bad news,” She said discontentedly “but it seems that I must”
She sighed deeply, several moments past, as she looked at Alex, something flashed beneath her eyes, but it was so sudden and abated so quickly that Alex did not catch its purpose, he was very cautious now, assuming that it was a flash of malice and that she was restraining herself for something, which meant that something big was coming, unfortunately.
“It seems that you parents,” here she hesitated “have been in an accident –“
She was cut off by a sharp knock at the door, a particular pattern, a thin smile crossed her lips as her eyes returned to Alex, who was bone-white, staring blankly and shivering uncontrollably. He met her gaze slowly, and saw the glee in her eyes.
“It seems that our time has been cut short, it is now time for your demise young sir” she said before raising herself from her chair.
Alex rushed to the door, tipping his chair over, but as he tried the handle in vain, he knew that the door was barricaded. He turned back to Mrs. Servillius and his eyes widened in terror, where she had stood only moments before, stood a large, ghostly figure, with elongated and sharpened fingers that were attached to thin and bony arms. The creature’s torso was covered with a heap of rags, no legs were visible beneath - the creature seemed to hover just slightly off of the ground. No features were visible on its stark face, save for one eye, offset to the left of its ‘face’. Extensive white hair was billowing uncontrollably as a strong wind swept within the room.
“Slay him Hervanulous,” Mrs. Servillius’ voice came coldly “But do not damage the body too much”
A harsh laugh was followed by a ghostly “Yes mistress”.
Ahh hello fellow blog-derek-writing-people i give you my fairest of greetings, it being a while since i posted and all :)
I hope that you all managed to have a WONDERFUL Christmas and New years, and anything else that lay before, after, or in between.
It would be greatly appreciated if i could get some honest feedback on this, thankyou, oh and sorry about it being so short, i simply didnt have the time or the inclination really, to make it very long....
Thanks for reading,